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Това събитие е част от потребителската група Software Quality Assurance.
Creating adaptable and maintainable testing frameworks is a crucial part of successful software automation.
In this presentation, I’ll show you how integrating Component-Based Page Object Model (CBPOM) with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) makes it easier to accommodate new screens and empowers non-technical stakeholders to contribute to test creation. By organizing tests into modular components and using natural language to define scenarios, we can streamline test updates and make test writing accessible to all team members, regardless of their technical background. Join me and find out how an integrated approach enhances test clarity, reduces maintenance overhead and bridges the gap between technical and non-technical personnel.
>>> Q&A
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ПОТРЕБИТЕЛСКА ГРУПА: Software Quality Assurance
Събитието е част от потребителската група за Quality Assurance. Всеки месец организираме събития на тема свързана с Quality Assurance. За да не изпускате интересна информация по темата – абонирайте се.
ОРГАНИЗАТОР: DEV.BG е специализиран Job Board за IT обяви.
Quality Assurance обяви: Ако си търсиш работа като QA специалист, разгледай свободните позиции тук.
КОГА: 20.01.2025 г., 19:30 ч.
Очакваме ви!
Milen Stefanov is an Automation QA Lead at Dreamix with over 16 years of experience in the tech industry. His career began in software development, where he spent the first three years honing his coding and engineering skills. Recognizing the critical importance of quality assurance, Milen then transitioned to the field of Automation QA – a move that has defined his professional journey for the past 13 years.
Milen has spent the past 2 years at Dreamix, leading efforts to ensure the highest software quality standards. His expertise lies in functional and performance testing, where he has consistently demonstrated his ability to deliver high-performance software solutions. Milen’s practical approach to QA is characterized by his ability to identify bottlenecks, design effective testing scenarios, and optimize software performance based on thorough analysis.
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