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За събитието

Това събитие е част от потребителската група Machine Learning.



Imagine understanding the entire world only through pixels or tokens… We need to think about equipping our models with more „senses“ so they can learn more things, and better things. With the explosion in machine learning power and large models, we’re now actively exploring the space of multiple types of data (modalities). We already have GPT-4 Vision and Google Gemini, but such systems have long been utilized to help autonomous vehicles navigate, generate image captions for blind users, monitor the Earth, improve patient care, and so on.

Let’s dive into MM models and see how we can blend multiple types of data and what tradeoffs we need to make.

>>> Intro: what is multimodal (MM) ML and why is it getting so much traction?
>>> Applications of MM ML
>>> Representing heterogenous inputs and outputs. Handling modality interactions; cross-modal learning
>>> Case study: visual question aswering. Model architecture, training, evaluation
>>> Some notes on ethics and fairness

>>> Q&A сесия

Събитието е безплатно, но със задължителна предварителна регистрация.


Събитието е част от потребителската група за Machine Learning. Всеки месец организираме събития на тема свързана с Machine Learning. За да не изпускате интересна информация по темата – абонирайте се.

ОРГАНИЗАТОР: DEV.BG е специализиран Job Board за IT обяви.

Machine Learning обяви: Ако си търсиш работа свързана с Machine Learning технология, разгледай обявите тук.

КОГА: 13.12.2023 г., 19:30 ч.

Очакваме ви!

speaker bio
Йордан Даракчиев Йордан Даракчиев Technical Trainer | Machine Learning Engineer Software University (SoftUni)

За лектора

>>> Yordan is currently doing a PhD in astrophysics at Sofia University.
>>> He’s teaching maths and machine learning to students at SoftUni.
>>> He’s been working as a data scientist, mainly focusing on language and vision.
>>> He’s been the lead researcher for startups, public companies and government organizations worldwide.
>>> His main research / interest topics include model explainability and certification, robustness, fairness, and privacy.
>>> He loves cats 😺.



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