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За събитието

Това събитие е част от потребителската група IT Project Management.


Специално през юли, оналйн събитието ще се проведе в 17:00 ч.



This is the true story of a company that specializes in paper-based products and operates in a non-digital industry. This company faced the monumental challenge of making a 180-degree shift to become a digital business, and they aimed to achieve this transformation in just six months. In this case study, we will explore how adopting an Agile mindset, implementing a well-prepared agility-focused strategy, and leveraging agile tactics from the established Agile coaching toolkit made the difference between survival and potential failure.

Learning Objective:

>>> Understanding Digital Transformation.
>>> Agile Mindset: Learn about the Agile mindset, its core principles, and how it can be applied to adapt to rapidly changing digital environments.
>>> Agile Strategy Development: Explore the process of crafting an agility-focused strategy
>>> Agile Tactics: Discover practical Agile tactics and techniques from the Agile coaching toolbox
>>> Change Management Techniques
>>> >>> Resilience Building: Explore the concept of organizational resilience.
>>> Case Study Analysis: Analyze a real-world case study.
>>> >>> Innovation and Adaptation: Learn how innovation and adaptability can be fostered within a traditional business to meet the demands.
>>> >>> Practical Application: Identify practical takeaways and actionable steps that can be applied to participants’ own organizations or future career endeavors.
>>> Leadership Insights: Gain insights into leadership approaches and qualities required to drive a successful transformation.

>>> Q&A част.

Събитието е безплатно, но със задължителна предварителна регистрация.



Събитието е част от потребителската група за IT Project Management. Всеки месец организираме събития на тема свързана с IT Project Management. За да не изпускате интересна информация по темата – абонирайте се.


ОРГАНИЗАТОР: DEV.BG е специализиран Job Board за IT обяви.

IT Project Management обяви: Ако си търсиш работа като PM специалист, разгледай свободните позиции тук.


КОГА: 01.07.2024 г. от 17:00 ч.

speaker bio
Богой Богданов Богой Богданов Agile Coach, Founder of AgilePool AgilePool

За лектора

Bogy and Nikola are qualified and recognized Business Agility Coaches with 12+ years of practical experience working with organizations of all sizes, coming from various industries and countries.

speaker bio
Никола Богданов Никола Богданов Agile Coach, Founder of AgilePool AgilePool

За лектора

They have an impressive track record helping companies adopt an Agile & Lean mindset, reach higher levels of performance, improve team morale, and evolve the organizational culture towards Business Agility.



DataArt е международна консултантска компания в областта на технологиите, която проектира, разработва и поддържа уникални софтуерни решения, помагащи на клиентите да развиват своята дейност. Ние си партнираме с клиентите, за да създадем иновативни решения, с които да допринесем за трайния им успех на пазара.

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