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Това събитие е част от потребителската група Cyber Security



>>> Secure code review
>>> Linters vs manual code review
>>> How to identify sources and sinks
>>> How to perform taint analysis
>>> Examples demo:
– Common coding mistakes in modern programming languages
– Tracing user input throughout the application code
– Chaining insignificant flaws into a high severity vulnerability

>>> How to patch vulnerable code
>>> Security best practices

>>> Q&A част.



Събитието е част от потребителската група за Cyber Security. Всеки месец организираме събития на тема свързана със Cyber Security. За да не изпускате интересна информация по темата – абонирайте се.

ОРГАНИЗАТОР: DEV.BG е специализиран Job Board за IT обяви.

Cyber Security обяви: Ако си търсиш работа като Cyber Security специалист, разгледай свободните позиции тук.


КОГА: 12.07.2023 г. от 19:30ч.

Очакваме ви!

speaker bio
Борис Гончаров Борис Гончаров Chief Strategy Officer AMATAS

За лектора

Devoting over 18 years to his professional journey, Boris Goncharov has earned recognition as a strategic thinker in information security. As Chief Cybersecurity Strategist at AMATAS, his mission is to challenge and rethink conventional security paradigms, pioneering innovative strategies to shield businesses against emerging cyber threats.

Boris is well known for his unique visual presentation style that effectively demystifies complicated information security concepts into accessible, visually engaging narratives. His ability to seamlessly convey complex ideas greatly enhances comprehension and retention amongst varied audiences.

As a testament to his influential role in the industry, Boris’s visionary insights are regularly in demand at various cybersecurity events worldwide.

Boris Goncharov’s contributions to the field extend beyond strategy and thought leadership, mentoring and guiding numerous cybersecurity professionals. His engaging training sessions, infused with his deep expertise and innovative teaching methods, have cultivated a generation of proficient practitioners in the field of cybersecurity. Boris’s dedication to fostering talent and sharing knowledge attests to his commitment to strengthening the industry.

Boris’s extensive range of top-tier industry certifications, including CIPP/E, CCISO, CCSP, CBSP, CISSP, ISSMP, CCSK, CEH, CEI, CHFI, ITIL, TOGAF, and Prince2, exemplifies his unwavering commitment to excellence and expertise in information security.

speaker bio
Мартин Стойнов Мартин Стойнов Penetration Testing Expert AMATAS

За лектора

Martin is part of the Penetration testing team at AMATAS. He graduated with a bachelor’s in Software and Internet Technologies from Technical University, Sofia.

Right after, he enrolls in the Master’s degree program for Information Security at UNIBIT Bulgaria. Martin is passionate about penetration testing, application security, and web development. His biggest strength is web security and finding source code and application vulnerabilities. His enthusiasm for cyber security makes him participate in online events and blogs about security challenges. He is also a curious researcher on various web vulnerability types. Martin’s current focus is on gaining certifications, mainly in penetration testing.



Atos е световен лидер в защитени и декарбонизирани цифрови услуги с богат набор от водещи на пазара дигитални решения, киберсигурност и консултантски услуги, както и предложения за декарбонизация. Ние сме net-zero пионер в декарбонизационните услуги и продукти, като нашият ангажимент към бъдещето се простира до въглеродна неутралност на нашата организация, както и на нашите клиенти и партньори.

KPMG IT Service OOD започва историята си като стартъп в България през 2015 година с екип от 15 професионалиста в областта на облачните технологии. Днес в компанията работят над 400 ИТ професионалисти, в 17 екипа, с мисията да дигитализират бизнеса на глобалната мрежа от 154 KPMG компании и техните клиенти по света.

SiteGround е продуктова компания с над 19 години опит, международен лидер в IT хостинг технологиите и услуги за уеб страници.

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